Energy Attribute Tokens (EATs)
Turning Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) into Energy Attribute Tokens (EATs)
We use the term "Energy Attribute Certificate" (EAC) to refer to the assets when tracked in a legacy registry. Once tokenized on-chain, we refer to it as an "Energy Attribute Token" (EAT).
EATs are ERC-1155 compliant Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT). This format allows the token to carry metadata of the most critical properties (like its tech type and vintage), and references to other EAC-associated metadata available on our API.
The following metadata is stored within the token to enable us to bridge certificates on and off-chain, uniquely track each certificate, perform automated inclusion criteria for liquidity pools, and ensure certificates and properly and permanently retired:
Generator: Which generator (commonly called a "power plant," "wind farm," solar farm," etc) which generated the electricity and EAC?
Vintage: When the energy for an EAC was generated? - designated by a month and year.
Registry: Which registry was the certificate originally bridged from?
Tech type: Which energy technology was used to generate the power? e.g. Wind, Solar, Hydro, etc.
Certificate Type: Which global standard is this certificate? e.g. North American REC, European GO, etc
Certificate Endorsement: Was this certificate endorsed by an external third party like the Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) to guarantee a high-quality project?
There is a considerable amount of additional metadata about the original certificate, that is fairly heterogeneous across registries and only lightly structured at best, and thus not a good fit to be stored directly on-chain. Instead, the additional metadata will be available from our publicly accessible API, or on a distributed file store.
The easiest way to get an EAT is to buy a Jasmine Liquidity Token (JLT) and use it to withdraw an EAT from a reference pool.
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